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What started as a little experiment in blogging has evolved into my renewed love for writing the raw, gritty truth. Running has always had so many parallels to life's ups and downs. As a new cancer survivor/fighter, running and writing has continued to be there for me in my quest to always move forward, always try to be better than yesterday. Find me: http://www.curetoday.com/community/kate or on facebook: running, cancer, and everything in between or on twitter: runliftbreathe

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Not your average dreamer.....

 You may call me a dreamer...but I am not the only one...

Difference is I don't rely on anyone but my own hard work, dedication, sweat, tears & blood...I am not waiting to be saved. I have and will always continue to save myself through my hard work, not giving up when others do, and going harder when it seems like all is lost. Sometimes I lose my way...but I never lose my vision or who I am....

I took some time off from my contract as a "Cure" writer because frankly, I am kind of done writing about Cancer...for now & maybe forever...it was a great paying gig let's face it but where I am today....I am looking far past the miles I was in....I am looking for the next marathon and the one after that...and I will stay stuck if I keep rehashing that "one bad race." I want to write about the next race, the next success...the next learning experience...the next whatever as long as it has nothing to do with the C word. 

Lately though, I've had a lot of painfully passionate projects & ideas ringing through my head...ringing so hard I needed to run many, many miles until I could just put them to rest...because right now, we are living in a world where we cannot voice ALL our truths without being vilified or called names for not going with the majority or the flow of the people we live amongst.  I've also been told maybe I shouldn't tell some of my stories...and maybe I shouldn't...and maybe I should play nice and maybe I should also go along with what the cool kids in my town do or say...but one thing I know...girls who play nice usually lose and people who just go along with the crowd because they are too scared to have their own opinions...well, they end up losers too. 

So in my usual routine on a snowy early morning when everyone is avoiding the roads, I took to them. It was a slippery run because it had snowed finally, and I had left my grippers up North but I ran anyway because that was everything that I needed in that moment. 

My beautiful picturesque town who has been showing many shades of ugly in the Winter because of all we are going through right now with Covid 19, kids being out of school since March 13th....and the rest of all the ugly you can easily find on any social media group platform....

I ran through our town this morning seeing newly Patriotic flags...not all hung correctly...but hey it's a start...and even if we don't agree with all things, I will never vilify you or demean you for having a difference of opinion.....or not hanging it correctly (stars first on the left, stripes to the right if you don't hang it from a pole)....

This beautiful Seacoast town this morning, finally covered in some snow....disguising all it's bruises and imperfections....hard to see all the "Closed for Hibernation" or "For Lease" when you are blanketed in a fresh coat of snow....like a beautiful girl who thinks she's ugly and needs to cover her blemishes with makeup & falsies....

I will keep dreaming....but my dreams come with action....girls like me don't wait for white horses and a prince to save her...we jump on and start riding the damn horse ourselves even if we don't know what we are doing, where we are going, or for that matter how we may get there....

Dreamers are not always poetic nor are they always politically correct. Dreamers lace that shit up and just start running and maybe while they are out there they will figure out where they are going and how far they are going to take it. 

Cheers to all the dreamers not afraid to speak up, go against the mold, and to double down when the shit gets tough. 

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